How I built this website (part I)

Intro I built this site to keep some thoughts written somewhere but also as an exercise. Although I’ve work many years as a Linux SysAdmin (or maybe because of that) I didn’t want a full blown CMS, with database, web server, php, backend administration and so on.. I wanted something simple and easy to maintain, cheap and free (as in freedom). CMS like WordPress generate pages dynamically, making database calls, running code interpreters like php, etc....

3 min · Alfons Soriano

How I built this website (part II)

Intro In the previous post I explained how I used Hugo to build a static website. Once you have you content generated, your next step should be to put it somewhere so it can be reached. This can be a directory shared by your own webserver, a hosting service.. but let’s make it more interesting. Using a Git repository By using a git repo, you can store and track changes of your files....

2 min · Alfons Soriano

My DAW: Reaper

Operating System Updated apps + Extended repository (AUR) = Arch Linux Resources Arch Wiki Professional Audio RealTimeConfigurationQuickScan Arch Linux Pro-Audio Binary Repo LinuxMusicians Forum Digital Audio Workstation Powerfull+Customizable+Efficient+Linux = Reaper Resources Scripts Key Sequences: Fast FX Finder MIDI Chordgun Plugins FX Name Website Package Airwindows - bkFX - Dragonfly dragonfly-reverb-vst TAL Plugins tal-*-bin Tukan (reapack) Resources Linux Native Plugins:...

1 min · Alfons Soriano

My OS: ArchLinux

I want to talk about the operating system I’ve chosen as my daily driver: Arch Linux. Why I wanted to change my OS I’ve been using Arch for a couple years now. Before that I had been an Ubuntu user since it’s beginnings (around 2005), and before that Debian, which is still my OS of choice for servers. Before discovering Arch, I was more or less satisfied with Ubuntu and it’s derivatives, but I had several “pain points”:...

4 min · Alfons Soriano